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Eureka! comes from the Ancient Greek word heúrÄ“ka, meaning "I have found (it)" and is attributed to the ancient Greek scholar Archimedes. The perfect exclamation when you find lost keys, strike gold, or find the answers you seek ~ your Eureka moment may be a click away....
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I would like to visit the StarHouse
I would like to host an event at the StarHouse
I would like to make a contribution
I would like to stay in the Retreat Cabin
I want to change my email address
I want to change my address
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We love to hear from you! If you didn't find your Eureka moment above, or you'd like to share something with us {chocolate, perhaps?}, please feel free to give us a call or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Mailing Address
ASC/The StarHouse
PO Box 1644
Boulder, Colorado 80306

The StarHouse
3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Note: Go via Mapleton Avenue to Sunshine Canyon, not via Linden as shown on some maps

Debbie Burns
Administrative Director