Embodied Astrology

Monday, May 20th, 6:30-8:30pm

Embody your Astrology: the influences of the stars and planets are always there in the background of our lives, impacting our behavior, beliefs, and ways of operating in the world.

In Embodied Astrology, we focus on cultivating tools that we can use to deepen our relationship with our body and the ways that planetary forces communicate with and through our body, mind, and spirit so that we can find and recognize her answers and guidance for us.

This month is Venus!

How to expand/come into your right relationship with pleasure. Do you find yourself unable to allow pleasure to come into your awareness or being? Do you find yourself so focused on pleasure you can’t find your way to accomplish tasks of daily living and work?

The answer to this/these questions is unique to you. Coming into a relationship with Venus through its placement at your birth can help you find the answer for which your soul is longing.

Finding difficulty in making sense of and being able to hold the complexities of the world? The beauty juxtaposed with the horror? How do we hold both? Is it possible or must we turn our back on one to see the other? How can we find peace, happiness, or contentment in such a complex and confusing world?

The answer to this/these questions is unique to you. Coming into a relationship with Venus through its placement at your birth can help you find the answer for which your soul is longing.

Seeking to come into a loving relationship with yourself and finding it difficult, if not impossible? Having found your way into an ever increasing loving relationship with yourself and still can’t manifest love from a partner?

What is going on? How does one navigate from here?

The answer to this/these questions is unique to you. Coming into a relationship with Venus through its placement at your birth can help you find the answer for which your soul is longing.

Are you finding it harder and harder to find beauty in life? Do you find yourself resenting things that are beautiful seeing them as a mockery of where you are at or not at in your journey? Are you so consumed by beautiful things that you are unwilling or unable to see things that aren’t beautiful thus driving yourself into deeper and deeper isolation from the difficult things happening in the world?

How does one navigate this?
The answer to this/these questions is unique to you. Coming into a relationship with Venus through its placement at your birth can help you find the answer for which your soul is longing.

The StarHouse is a StarMap with a unique configuration that provides a spot to stand in the exact place of the sun, planets, and powerful stars in your birth chart. Exact placement opens up a unique portal to feel, experience, and communicate with the influences that surround, support, challenge, and guide your life.

Reserve your Spot

Stand Inside a Star Map

There are 12 posts inside the StarHouse and twelve 30 degree segments, one each per zodiac sign allowing you to feel held by the heavens.

This specific configuration provides you the opportunity to stand in the exact place of the sun, planets, and powerful stars in your birth chart.

Exact placement opens up a unique portal to feel, experience, and communicate with the influences that surround, support, bring challenge to and guide your life.

Upcoming Monthly Meetings

These are the dates and the planetary bodies we will be exploring:

February 12 ~ Sun
March 11 ~ Moon
April 15 ~ Mercury
May 20 ~ Venus
June 17 ~ Earth
July 29 ~ Mars
August 12 ~ Jupiter
September 23 ~ Saturn
October 21 ~ Uranus
November 18 ~ Neptune
December 16 ~ Pluto

During Embodied Astrology sessions we work with the exact placement of the planets at your birth. 

Please note that we use a star-based astrology system called Sidereal or Vedic.


Reserve your Spot