Illuminated Relationships
a Four-Part Video Series with Lila & David Tresemer
Relationships are necessary. We wouldn’t be here without them. They are growthful, meaning they help you discover the essence of why you are alive. They are fun, alarming, gratifying, tragic ~ from every outcome you learn, and do it better next time.
You have been burned, and you have been lifted up. Relationships are the best route to an abundant love that you can’t find otherwise. People who say they “don’t like relationships” wouldn’t be here to make that judgment without successful fundamental relationships in their infancy.
Lila and David have dedicated their lives to enhancing the quality, joy and transformative possibilities inherent in relationships: their own, as well as those of others. At this time, facing the increasing challenges of life on our beloved planet, Lila and David are determined to inspire every participant to reach for the highest, the deepest, and the most luminous in one’s self.
As human beings, we are capable of generating so much more active joy, engaging curiosity, and deep care for life. All of that adds up to “love-making” in its most magical essence! What would life on the planet look like if every exchange we had with another facet of life (plant, animal, mineral, or human) was seen as an opportunity to make love ~ to create love through conversation, through playful process with the beloved, and through healing the old wounds?
This involves identifying the light available to the relationship and learning how to bring it forward. This is the heart of Illuminated Relationships.
What's Included
This course includes four 20-minute video sessions and handout with a number of powerful activities and practices to include in your Relationship Toolbox. We recommend you go through this course with a loved one so you are able to practice the tools and activities together.

Part 1
The Purpose of Relationships
Get to the heart of the purpose as to why we are in relationship with everything and everyone. A broader perspective can greatly support you when relating to others!

Part 2
Using Relationship Tools
Discover five powerful tools that you can introduce into your relationships right away to avoid harmful patterns of behavior and to forge a new future of relating to one another.

Part 3
Creating an Energetic Partnership
Through awareness and breathing techniques, learn to work with the field of energy in which we are all connected.

Part 4
Finding the Name & Moving from Two to Oneness
Discover your relationship's vibration of Oneness, to find more grace when facing duality and conflict.

Illuminated Relationships
Four-part video series with several powerful practices to add to your relationship toolbox.
$110 USD
Members: $88
Illuminated Relationships
a Four-Part Series
with Lila & David Tresemer
Discover how to identify the light available to your relationships and learn how to bring it forward. A four-part video series, including a number of powerful tools and exercises, facilitated by Lila Tresemer and David Tresemer, Ph.D.
About the Presenters

Lila Sophia Tresemer and David Tresemer, Ph.D., are the founders of the StarHouse in Boulder, Colorado. They work together, grow together and love living life together! Lila and David have been grounding collaborative visions for sustainable community on the StarHouse land and in Tasmania, Australia for decades. Together for the past 25 years, they have taught and facilitated at the StarHouse and in other places around the world. They are dedicated to bringing more intelligent, ceremonial awakening into the world. Their devotion is to sacred union, within themselves, with one another, and with the web of life.
Together, Lila and David have co-created:
- The Conscious Wedding Handbook
- Couple’s Illumination, a DVD on energy dynamics in relationship
- Brain Illumination, a DVD on increasing awareness of the organs of the brain and how they can radiate more strongly
- A trilogy of theatre scripts on the emerging sacred feminine wisdom, which have all been performed in various places
- The 12 Senses, a six-week course
- Illuminated Relationships, a four-part course
- EarthStar Sacred Sites course {coming January 2021}