Sacred Earth Activism in Washington DC

October 17-22, 2023
With Lila and David Tresemer

Enjoy this 3 minute video introduction

to the Sacred Activism Journey to
Washington, D.C. October 17-22,. 2023

With Lila and David Tresemer.

Join a dynamic group of people committed to connecting with the
Goddesses of America and invoking sacred Feminine values
more strongly for this nation and the world.

For a deeper look at in depth details see this
19 minute video

Can a group of individuals have an influence on the higher values of the Collective through being more engaged with interactive spiritual work?

At a time when the sacred seems forgotten, imagine joining a small group of potent individuals working with Universal Spiritual Principles as
Sacred Earth Activists in Washington D.C.

Reserve your Spot

The National Mall of Washington in the District of Columbia

holds secrets of the sacred intention of this country. The iconography gives many hints. The number of zodiacs in sculptures and architecture surpasses any other capital in the world—to what do they point?

The geometry of the National Mall (geometry from Gaia, the spirit of earth; metria, the act of measuring-- a skill gained from training in the temple) goes unnoticed by many.  There are pointers to the over-lighting divine feminine, inviting an invocation to the powers of earth and heaven.

We invite you join this living exploration of the National Mall and to discover the keys and codes to become more aware and engaged in remembering and participating with a spiritual vision for America.

To learn more about the underlying study of the information we work with, consider joining the 7-part online study of Goddesses of America:

Those committed to coming on the Sacred Activism Journey will receive a discount for this course when you register for the DC trip!

Goddesses of America

About David and Lila Tresemer

Lila Sophia Tresemer is a group facilitator and certified mediator, author, photographer, ceremonialist, minister and co-founder of The StarHouse, and the Women of Vision program in Israel/Palestine. She is a master at accessing the language of the archetypes and Sacred Feminine through the model of the National Mall. She co-creates programs for sacred living and remembrance online and onsite at the StarHouse in Boulder. Lila is dedicated to building a global community, which honors the Feminine and celebrates the Sacred in all beings. Her current passion is weaving a living network for the Lineage of Sophia (literally, “Wisdom”) ~ for men and women around the world who are seeking to reconnect with sacred Earth activism and spiritual practices that matter in these astonishing times!

David Tresemer, Ph.D. is the founder of the StarHouse in Boulder, Colorado, and the developer of the Solar Cross system for the “star poem” qualities of each of the 360 zodiacal degrees. He is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom and other books), and is the co-author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner. David is editor and contributor to The Counselor… As If Soul and Spirit Matter, and the past president of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology.

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What participants are saying...

The Goddess of America has had a profound impact on my life and my work. Recovering this important archetype helps to restore some much-needed balance to the dominant, hyper-masculine stories America repeats to itself; remembering the feminine side of the story is healing for the nation's soul and spirit, and maps a pathway to partnership.
C. M. Maine

I attended Lila's DC trip in 2019, and she opened my eyes to the Goddess of America's meaning and presence; that trip energized my citizenship, and filled me with a sense of urgency and purpose. I would recommend this well-researched class to scholars, clergy, activists, and citizens who are concerned about the mytho-poetic identity (soul) of the United States.
Rev. Circe Moss MacDonald
Portland, Maine

“I had dismissed the nation’s capital as a hornet’s nest of negativities. I was then introduced to the spirit-foundations living in stones and geometry and trees, the true spirit underlying it all, that will over time guide this land to its destined service to the world. For this I am daily grateful, daily.”

DT, Boulder, CO.

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